5 natural remedies to ease joint pain
Discomfort, swelling, and tenderness – three of the most common signs of joint pain. We’ve all experienced these tell-tale symptoms at one point or another, sometimes severely and other times briefly when walking or sitting. The first step in managing your joint pain naturally is to educate yourself on the wealth of treatments available. This article aims to do exactly that:
1. Get in On the Gold
Turmeric, a perennial plant native to India, has been used therapeutically for thousands of years. Its primary use is to prevent and treat inflammation in people suffering from arthritis, joint pain, and gastrointestinal issues. How exactly does turmeric work? When the cells in your body are under stress, they become damaged. “This can cause apoptosis, or cell death; however, Curcumin has been found to be protective against these changes” says Chris Centeno, M.D.
Make a trip to your local health food store and pick up the powdered version or whole root. Mix the powder in your tea, or, directly steep the root in hot water alongside black pepper to increase absorption.
2. Eliminate the Sedentary Lifestyle
Most of us, whether we like it or not, are tied to a 9 to 5 job that requires us to sit for extended periods of time. On the one front, it’s beneficial – we’re able to hone in on our work without distractions. On the other front? A lack of physical activity can wreak havoc on our body’s ability to function properly. Committing to some form of enjoyable physical activity every day can greatly improve your immune system and joint health. In fact, in a recent study, “women who incorporated leisure-time activities in their lifestyle had a reduced risk of developing RA (Rheumatoid arthritis). This finding was more pronounced in women who cycled or walked > 20 min per day and exercised more than 1 h per week”. Gentle activities that don’t aggravate the joints like low-impact aerobic exercise, walking, gardening, swimming, tai chi, and gentle yoga are all great options.
3. Show Yourself Some Much-Deserved Love
Heading to a massage therapist every time your joint pain kicks in may sound alluring… but the resulting bill? Not so much. Abhyanga (pronounced ab-young-uh), is the ancient Indian practise of self-massage using herbal oils. Not only is it a soothing and pacifying practise, it also helps lubricate the joints and stimulate full body circulation. How do you perform Abhyanga? Lightly warm your favourite herbal oil on low heat and then use it to gently massage your joints in circular motions, and long bones in long strokes. Continue for 5 – 10 minutes. Then, sit back and let the oil absorb in to your body before washing it off. Abhyanga is a simple gift of self-love and healing that can be done by yourself, in a matter of minutes.
4. Insure Your Body with a Multi
As we get older, it’s common to think that joint pain and weak bones are inevitable – a rite of passage of sorts that we must all go through. This is simply untrue! Getting older is no reason to slow down. Progressive MultiVitamin for Women 50+ addresses the needs of an aging body and helps you stay youthful and active with the ones you love. It features key ingredients like calcium, fish oils, and Vitamin D to support your bones, eyes and cardiovascular health, strengthen immune function, and of course protect connective tissues like the ligaments, tendons, skin, and joints.
In other words, your multivitamin is an insurance policy of sorts – helping you live and feel your best, every day. So, whether you plan to compete in that 5-km run or get back in to skiing, you know you can do it.
5. Complete Your Health with Collagen
You’re committed to living an active and healthy lifestyle. But lo and behold, just as you’re getting ready for your next run, your joints start acting up … and those knees? They’re still cracking. Supplementing with collagen can make a world of difference when it comes to mending and repairing so you can run, bend, lift and stretch with ease. How? Collagen, a structural protein, is what supports connective tissue formation in the joints, bones, and cartilage.
Progressive Complete Collagen contains 10g of non-GMO collagen per scoop and is sourced from pasture-raised, grass-fed cattle. This means you can be sure it’s free from both antibiotics and added hormones. And of course, don’t forget about synergy. Your body can’t use a collagen supplement without Vitamin C – Complete Collagen contains 100% of the recommended dietary allowance of Vitamin C to ensure you get the full benefit.