Together, we can make a difference in the health
of Canadian communities.
Want to become a Member Store?
Want to become a
Brand Partner?
Why Should Retailers Join Health First Network?
Health First Network is your dedicated community for natural health and wellness solutions, born from a vision to unite locally owned and operated retailers across Canada.
Proven Value
SystemBoost your competitive advantage and gain a substantial return on your investment.
Product LineAccess a premium-quality brand of natural health products sold only in Member stores.
Health First
AcademyOffer your staff a university-inspired, on-demand natural health product training platform.
Purchasing PowerTake advantage of the network’s volume purchasing opportunities.
Health First
WarehouseBenefit from superior pricing by leveraging the collective purchasing power of the network.
Top Quality
Canadian BrandsIncrease profitability with impactful Member benefits and exclusive deals from our Brand Partners.
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Access exclusive CFIB savings on essential business services, expert advice and HR support, and benefit from government advocacy on issues affecting your business.
Insights Data
PlatformMake data-driven purchasing and inventory decisions with the only data platform in the health food industry in Canada, built by HFN!
National Print
Flyer CampaignEnhance your promotional efforts with your own, custom-branded flyer that’s printed and distributed throughout your store region.
Flipp and Reebee
Digital FlyerBoost your online presence with a custom-branded digital flyer, connecting you to highly engaged shoppers in buying mode.
WebsitesLet us handle your website development and hosting needs, and benefit from our content creation engine.
Digital and Print
CampaignsIncrease visibility with our e-newsletter program, digital and print marketing assets, and much-loved annual holiday campaign.
Member Information
CentreOur centralized online hub ensures Health First Members can easily access and find vital information to support your business.
and EventsConnect with other like-minded independent retailers in a collaborative environment for information sharing and problem solving.
Become a
Member Store
Join our vibrant community and elevate your presence in your local health and wellness landscape!
Why Should Natural Health Brands Join Health First Network?
Health First Network has become the community choice for natural health and wellness solutions. We achieved this with robust partnerships with the top natural health food and supplement brands in Canada.
145+ Health Food
StoresPromote your products to our Canada-wide network of independent health food stores through one central hub.
National Flyer
CampaignFeature products, recipes and stories in our flyer, distributed across the country with 1.3 million monthly impressions.
Flipp and Reebee
Digital FlyerBoost your ROI and reach a growing audience of over 5.6 million ready-to-buy shoppers browsing digital flyers across Canada.
CampaignsBenefit from our bi-monthly e-newsletter, digital and social media coverage, and much-loved holiday campaign.
Insights Data
PlatformAnalyze network performance using the only data platform in the Canadian health food industry, built by HFN!
Health First
WarehouseDeliver product through the Health First warehouse to Members with one invoice and one ship-to location.
Health First
WebsiteHelp us to tell your stories through our website and other marketing venues by providing your content!
ConferenceAttend our annual conference for the opportunity to speak to Members in a close, intimate setting.
ProgramsCollaborate on new innovations that allow us to collectively reach consumers where they are – in stores, online and in the community.