Build Strength and Beauty
A youthful, vibrant body, at any age, must have a strong structural foundation — meaning your skeleton. However, one in four women and one in eight men over the age of 50 have osteoporosis. In Canada, more women die each year as a result of osteoporotic fractures than from breast and ovarian cancer combined. Between 45 and 75 years of age, women lose 30 percent of their skeletal structure and men lose 15 percent.
You are what you absorb
Part of the osteoporosis problem is Calcium absorption. It has been estimated that children absorb 75% of the Calcium they eat, and adults less efficient digestive systems, absorbs 30%.
Enerex OSTEO CAL:MAG offers highly-absorbable chelated Calcium and Magnesium, along with co-factor nutrients, Boron, Silicon and Vitamins D and K2 that are vital to bone formation. The superfood raw organic kale is added to combat acidity in the body — which is thought by some researchers to be the missing link to osteoporosis prevention.
Calcium can’t get into bones on its own. It needs co-partners (co-factors): Magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, and trace minerals — Magnesium must be supplemented with Calcium for a healthy balance in the body; Vitamin D3 helps Calcium to be absorbed; Boron helps to prevent loss of Calcium and Magnesium (excreted in the urine), and Silicon helps Calcium to be absorbed by the body.
Vitamin K2 the “key differentiating factor”
Vitamin K is important for a healthy bone protein called osteocalcin, which makes the thick web-like structure, or matrix, that holds bones together. Lack of Vitamin K may reduce the function of osteoblast cells (bone-forming cells in the body) which affects bone mineral density. Enerex’s Osteo contains Microencapsulated K2. The Microencapsulation is the key factor in the efficacy of this formulation. As a matter of fact, Vitamin K2 is neutralized by Calcium mineral in the formulation, thus it is necessary to separate these two ingredients by Microencapsulating the K2 in order to preserve
each ingredient’s bioactivity. Any formulation that places Calcium and non-microencapsulated Vitamin K2 together, is sure to be ineffective.
Chelated CAL:MAG
Combining Calcium with a protein (in a process called “chelation”) Enerex’s Osteo Cal:Mag creates an organic chelate bond. As a result, studies show that 75% more Calcium is delivered to the bones, and 87% more Magnesium delivered when they are both chelated.
Stay Youthful Inside and Out
Bamboo Silica is an essential metabolic mineral, especially for calcium and increasing the density of bones, teeth, and gums. It forms the basis of connective tissue that holds organs and tissue together as well as maintaining the stability of ligaments and tendons to keep joints flexible. Silica helps keep arteries pliant and as a building block it helps build tissue such as our skin and help remedy skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
Why do you need Silicon? Here are 6 good reasons.
- Silicon helps nutrients called chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid to be deposited into cartilage, and aids in forming collagen, a major component of ligaments and tendons that helps to maintain joint strength and elasticity. This has important implications for managing arthritis but also for exercising.
- It is essential for bone development and may help to prevent osteoporosis and re-calcify bones.
- It plays a role in mineral absorption, and enhances the function of Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Boron in the body.
- It improves elasticity and permeability of arteries. (Atherosclerosis can occur as a result of Silicon deficiency. In studies, Silica was found to be up to 14 times more abundant in arteries of people with no heart disease.)
- Silicon is called the “beauty nutrient” because it helps to create healthy, toned skin by providing strength and resilience to collagen and elastin.
Enerex BAMBOO SILICA is the richest known source of natural Silicon, containing over 70% organic Silica. This is more than 10 times the level found in the Horsetail plant (Equisetum) that contains 5% to 7% Silica. To increase the effectiveness of Bamboo Silica, we added 200 mg of Calcium citrate to the formula. Calcium absorption in the bones and other areas is enhanced by the presence of Silicon, and like Calcium, Silicon is involved in normal bone development. Like Silicon, a deficiency of Calcium may also speed the skin’s aging.
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